Thursday, November 30

Old sense of balance

Since Katrina, I want to read more. I'm a person who generally has more books shelved than I have read. It's a rainy day thing. After the storm, I was in survival mode and everything to be done seemed to be required immediately--once I figured out how it was supposed to be done. The pace I have still seems rushed albeit more manageable now. I think the reason that I notice not reading is because it requires a measure of slowing down. I feel--I watch myself rushing and it seems overkill at this juncture where things are coming together. It's like I'm stuck on frantic fast and reading is something that generally I do slowly. Since Katrina I have yet to regain my old sense of balance. I miss that.

Shari L. Smothers, archivist for the Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston project

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